Hi there, I’m Keri! Thank you for taking the time to check out my page. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I’m a born and raised New Englander that truly loves nature and being outside. I am always on the go whether it is taking photographs, going for a run, riding bikes with my side kick , Olivia, or working on some kind of DIY, repurposing project. I just don’t know how to sit still.
I love any project that allows me to use my creative mind, and I love a challenge.
Although photography is not my full time job, I treat it with just as much passion as I do any other project or activity I enjoy. I love being able to capture the images that will live on long after the moment and be cherished by many.
The response I get from the people I work with is just overwhelming and truly keeps me motivated to do what I do.
I live in Litchfield NH with my husband, Terry and daughter, Olivia. Olivia is such a vibrant 6 year old who already has an eye for photography. We have had to stop many times during road trips so that she could take photos of something that caught her eye. She not only loves photography but arts and crafts as well. She loves to draw, and you can find all of her artwork plastered all over our house. We do so many things together and she keeps me on my toes Well that and coffee! Truth be told, if I didn’t love photography so much, you would probably find me working at Starbucks.
I hope you will consider reaching out to me for your next family session, portraits of your little ones, or wedding. I would love to meet you for a coffee or cocktail to chat.
“Anyone can take a picture, but a person with passion sees the picture before its taken”